Monday, March 8, 2010

I won I won!

The Oscars were yesterday, and though I didn't watch it because I was afraid they would give the atrociousness that was Avatar some awards (ok the graphics were nice and pretty but films are supposed to tell stories, and the story it was attempting to tell was unoriginal and predictable), I always find myself wondering what I would say if I were to win something that prestigious.

Well I won something today! Maybe it's not an Oscar, but it's still something special, because it means someone actually cares about reading things I wrote, and there is no greater feeling of accomplishment for a writer. (Yes, yes, I know, I'm not really a writer, but in my own world, I've been shortlisted for the Nobel Prize in Literature)The writer of one of my favorite blogs, Spontaneous K gave me a "Sunshine Award!" So I guess now is when I make my thank you speech. Thank you for reading my random thoughts! Spontaneous K is actually someone I felt a "connection" with when I started reading his blog because we've had a few similar thoughts/posts. I wish he was here in NY, we might have made good friends.

I'm supposed to be sharing this award with other bloggers, so here are some other blogs that I follow regularly and enjoy reading a lot:

Fariha from Under a Different Sky

Elizapaa from Off the Page

Tricia from Pages of My Journal

I know it's a short list, but I feel like these are the blogs I read the most along with Spontaneous K's. To answer the question of what I would say to winning a special award, I guess I would simply say "Thank you" in the most heart felt way I possibly could. Thank you!


Okay! The rules for accepting the Sunshine Award are as follows:
1. Put the logo in your post or within your blog.
2. Pass the award onto fellow bloggers.
3. Link the nominees within your post.
4. Let nominees know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blogs.
5. Share the love and link to the person who gave you the award!